A bunch of stuff I’ve worked on
Lots of it is old and for archival purposes, but they’re fun.
Vaguely ordered with most recent first.
Elm Site
This site used to be in elm, but I got tired of maintaining it, so I switched to Hugo using the PaperMod theme instead to act as a blog as well as a portfolio.
The site used Elm and Elm-Bootstrap to make something expandable.
I stopped using it because it became too much of a pain to update after not touching Elm for a while. The time it took to get back up to speed on what was planned was too much of a hassle to use long term.
It did look nice though.
Below are some screenshots of what the site looked like:
Fig. 1 - Home Page Fig. 2 - Projects Page Fig. 3 - Embedded Resume Fig. 4 - Stats Page Fig. 5 - References
Link (will work eventually, right now just links back to this site): gilben1.github.io
Shell-like new tab page extension for Firefox, programmable using a Bash-like command-line system.
Made in Javascript.
Latest Release | Repository (Gitlab) |
“Haspall” Discord Bots
Discord bots for querying information from haskell’s “hoogle” interface.
Version one was written in python, while redux was rewritten in haskell itself for more advanced operation.
Haskell Version (Redux) | Python Version |
Robot Bounce
A Javascript robot puzzle game inspired by the board game “Ricochet Robots”.
Uses PixiJS as the rendering engine.

Fig. 6 - Robot Bounce
Try it out | GitHub Repository |
Capstone Project: ROBOTIS-OP3
Capstone project from Portland State University for improving the vision detection algorithm for detecting soccer balls for a humanoid robot called ROBOTIS-OP3.
Written primarily in C++ on the backend with a Javascript web interface.
Code was split across multiple existing repositories.
Project Site |
Repositories: | ROBOTIS-OP3-Demo | ROBOTIS-OP3-Tools | ROBOTIS-OP3 |
Various IRC Bots
Some (mostly useless) IRC bots that perform various functions. Dicebot let you roll dice in various fun ways, dad bot told dad jokes, ythaikubot pulled data from the subreddit YoutubeHaiku, and parens-bot fixes those pesky loose parentheses.
Written in Bash because I hated myself when I wrote these. Mostly experimentation to get used to doing things in Bash.
Dicebot | Dadbot | YThaikubot | Parensbot |