It’s been how long?

Whoops, life has definitely accelerated. My last post was nearly a year and a half ago, and now I have to recall how I set up posts and whatnot within Hugo.

A small recap of what has happened since the last post:

  • I got married! I’m now a Gilbert-Croysdale (last name merge), so this domain makes a little less sense now.
    • This is really reason number one for the drop in this blog, turns out planning a wedding consumes a ton of free time and saps the drive to do things like a small portfolio blog.
  • Work has been steady and have received a title promotion which has been Very Cool.
  • I still haven’t finished the About page
  • We fully finished the whole /mu/ list, and are now doing a small book-club like music sharing “extra credit” for continued weekly music listening.
  • GenAI had taken the wind out of my sails for writing content, but now that the dust has settled and the limitations are more known I may use this as an excuse to write some actual correct content in the wall of sludge that un-reviewed GenaI spits out.

Some other small changes:

  • Refreshing the home page a little for new name.
  • Updating footer since it’s not 2023 anymore.

Stay Tuned

I will probably make some actual posts about technical content at some point, stay tuned for all three of you who have read the blog.