What Do You Say?

Say Anything While pondering the limits of github pages, I wondered if a comments provider would work. Turns out it does, out of the box, really easily, down to the provider (in this case, Hugo and PaperMod). Comments I think will become useful as I start to write about non-blog topics like PowerShell specifics, where folks can contribute questions or suggestions to fix the content I’ve written. It would also allow me to track engagement to some degree (which I’m guessing is next to zero for now....

February 3, 2023 · 3 min · Nicholas Gilbert-Croysdale

Enter Automation

Automation Until today, I’ve been generating new posts by looking at the clock and figuring out which month to nest a new post under, then using an explicit call to hugo new with the expected path and output file name. This already did most of the work for me, since it draws from the default.md archetype file, but even that was prone to dumb human error. As a result, I decide to crack my knuckle and dig back into the ugly-ish world of bash scripting....

February 2, 2023 · 2 min · Nicholas Gilbert-Croysdale


Tiny barely-a-post today, was using a hacked together in MS Paint Favicon, decided to spruce up the effort ever so slightly, so went with a generated one through https://favicon.io/. I used the Text -> ICO generator with the Monoton font and my initials. It looks maybe less good in the tiny browser version but it’s neat enough for now. Neat! It looks better blown up so I may keep it in some degree within the blog itself (maybe a header?...

January 31, 2023 · 1 min · Nicholas Gilbert-Croysdale

What About About?

Something Missing This Way Comes The blog is starting to take form, and I’m realizing that blindly creating a blog without referencing other blogs / portfolios is showing that I really don’t know what needs to go into a blogfolio. So I started looking at other blogs. The blog part is largely there, thanks to the Hugo framework and the PaperMod theme. I’ve got entries that are easy to spin up in Markdown, an archive page to view old stuff by year and month, and a tags system that allows for filtering posts by general content....

January 28, 2023 · 4 min · Nicholas Gilbert-Croysdale

Locked Down

At the end of the last post, I made a little footnote marking a little issue I had with the site serving mixed content. It turns out, a setting I had put in place on the GitHub pages site itself resolved it, but just took some time to do so. I had set the Enforce HTTPs setting to checked on the site, saw no change, then began writing the previous post....

January 26, 2023 · 1 min · Nicholas Gilbert-Croysdale