Hello there!

My name is Nicholas Gilbert-Croysdale, welcome to my blog / portfolio! I’m a Senior Systems Engineer who specializes in automation using Powershell to yell at Azure / Azure adjacent things.

This site is still a work a progress, but feel free to have a look around!

Read some of my ramblings about making this blog and other tech-adjacent topics, or check out some of the old projects I’ve worked on.

Still Alive 2024

It’s been how long? Whoops, life has definitely accelerated. My last post was nearly a year and a half ago, and now I have to recall how I set up posts and whatnot within Hugo. A small recap of what has happened since the last post: I got married! I’m now a Gilbert-Croysdale (last name merge), so this domain makes a little less sense now. This is really reason number one for the drop in this blog, turns out planning a wedding consumes a ton of free time and saps the drive to do things like a small portfolio blog....

July 23, 2024 · 2 min · Nicholas Gilbert-Croysdale

Still Alive

Still Alive Small update post to indicate that I am indeed, still alive, just had a supremely busy March with various trips and even more various illnesses. The posts should resume again in a more regular fashion later this month, this time actually targeting Powershell and DevOps topics. About page I swear this will be done at some point. Just not right now.

April 7, 2023 · 1 min · Nicholas Gilbert-Croysdale

Scratch That, New Visit Counter

How to Implement A Solution, See a Better Solution, and Chase that Solution So it turns out I dropped the github markdown-style viewcounts pretty much immediately after adding them to the site. I did this around a day after the last post, but just got caught up in work and other life events and didn’t write a post about it. This came down to that same blog post as the last post....

February 23, 2023 · 4 min · Nicholas Gilbert-Croysdale


More bells, more whistles I don’t recall exactly how I stumbled upon this feature idea, but I decided I wanted to see (roughly) how many visitors I’ve had on the different blog posts I’ve made. Seemed like a simple enough feature, and probably doable in a static site like this. Turns out it is extremely simple, using a service called visitor-badge.glitch.me. Using a snippet from this blog post by Ravikanth Chaganti, which detailed the embedding of the visitor-badge service, I had what I needed to get this on my site....

February 10, 2023 · 3 min · Nicholas Gilbert-Croysdale

From Disqus to Giscus

Wait, why change? The initial choice of Disqus as a comment backend was a hasty one; it was chosen on a whim simply because I had heard of it. It had some clear drawbacks: Not terribly configurable to meet the theme I was going for External site for configuration and management Free tier supported by Ads (the biggest one) Not wanting to pony up cash for a premium tier I decided I would stick with this for now to just have some comments before migrating elsewhere....

February 5, 2023 · 6 min · Nicholas Gilbert-Croysdale